SUNDAY 14:30 – 16:00

This workshop provides an opportunity to enhance your technical equipment by learning about FPAR. It is also an immersive experience with FPAR in action and an intervention in the global system related to the hospitality towards and the belonging of women migrant workers. Participants will have the opportunity to learn through examples from GAATW’s latest FPAR, to experiment with and practice the approach, and to boost efforts at self-organising within and across movements.

FPAR is a very specific approach to bringing about change and studying it through feminist lenses as it unfolds. The focus is on the most challenging societal problems experienced by women and more widely by disadvantaged and oppressed groups. The purpose of research in this paradigm is uncovering meanings that are usually hidden and changing the power imbalances in favour of the oppressed. More importantly, it is about unfolding a change towards progressive emancipation.

This workshop is an introduction to the FPAR methodology building on the project “From Southeast Asia to Europe: Strengthening migrant and trafficked women’s rights to inclusive re/integration”. The project’s main objective is to facilitate the advocacy for rights-affirming measures. We are concerned with labour migration policies relating to the socio-economic inclusion of migrant and trafficked women workers on the SEA – Europe corridor.

By using the example of the findings about the SEA – Europe corridor, the task is to enable civil society to understand better the nexus between migration, trafficking and labour rights. By amplifying a feminist analysis of labour migration, trafficking, and re/integration, we endeavoured to distill – from women’s stories and voices – messages to stakeholders who are in a position to change these regimes.

Key to advocacy as part of an FPAR, and of this particular research, is bridging movements and building alliances as we go along. The workshop is therefore also an FPAR within the FPAR which aims to strengthen the bonds between the feminist, the women’s, the workers’ and the migrants’ movements as they are present within the Transnational Meeting in Sofia.

Read the whole program of the meeting: